Principal Beamline Scientist:
Mike Hough
Tel: +44 (0) 1235 394097
E-mail: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0) 1235 778926
At VMXi, every container is a visit. There are two main ways to view VMXi data, one is via "View all data" and the other is via "Containers" .
If you go the via the "View all data" route, click "View all data" and type VMXi in search box on right.
If you go via the "Containers" route, click "Containers" and select the plate you are interested in.
Using either of these methods will show a list of data collections for a particular plate. You can search through data collections using the search box on the right and filter data collections by type using the list of filters on the top.
To view the data status of individual data collections across a plate, select the "Show data status" tick box underneath the plate. Blue colour indicates , green colour indicates Auto integrated and yellow colour indicates Grid Scanned.
For each data collection, you can view the data collection parameters, the drop snapshots from the beamline (when you click on it, you can also view the Formulatrix image) and DIALS per image analysis plot.
In the top right of each dataset there a selection of buttons as outlined above:
For each data collection, you can view more details in the Autoprocessing Tab. This is also the place where you would download (Logs & Files) or reprocess data. At VMXi, it is very likely you will have to collect data from several data sets in order to gain completeness. Please see the Multi crystal processing section for details.
Note, currently we only, provide:the propsal number, visit and unique data collection number in the file name. You can find details for that specific data set, if you search with that number (here 49174) in the search box.
Time in Visit: Not used on VMXi
Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
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Diamond Light Source Ltd
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Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
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