Welcome to Imaging and Microscopy
Imaging and Microscopy is a newly formed science group, which brings together eight experimental facilities (I08, I08-1 (J08), DIAD, I12, I13-1, I13-2, I14 and ePSIC) with a new imaging group leader to coordinate and drive the group’s activities. These facilities use electrons and X-rays to image samples under different experimental conditions across a diverse range of length scales and time scales. Different contrast mechanisms allow for imaging of sample properties such as elemental composition, density and structure and this ability to extract image sample properties in minute detail lends itself to a wide range of scientific areas from chemistry and catalysis to environmental science, materials science, biology, medicine, and cultural heritage.
I08 Scanning X-ray Microscopy
Scanning X-ray Microscopy with variety of imaging and spectomicroscopy modes: Transmission incl. absorption and phase-sensitive contrasts, and X-ray fluorescence.
More informationEnergy: 0.25 - 4.2 keV
I08-1 Soft X-ray Ptychography
I08-1 is the soft X-ray ptychography instrument at Diamond. The instrument is designed for ptychographic imaging, spectromicrosopy and tomography. I08-1 (J08) is currently in its commissioning/ optimisation phase and is open for proposal applications,
More informationEnergy: 0.25 – 2 keV
K11 DIAD: Dual Imaging and Diffraction
DIAD will be the a dual beam instrument capable of imaging and diffraction at the same time at the micron scale. The beamline will enable in-situ experiments aiming to resolve the 3D microstructure (via imaging) and phase constitution/strain state of material (via diffraction) in quasi-simultaneously matter with switching times of a few Hz between analysis techniques.
More informationDetector: PCO.edge or equivalent, Pilatus Dectris 2M CdTe
Energy: 7-38 keV
I12 JEEP: Joint Engineering, Environment and Processing
I12 is a high-energy beamline principally for Material Science, Engineering and Processing Science. The instrument’s main focus is to allow in situ studies of samples in environments as close as possible to real world environments using imaging, tomography, diffraction and small-angle scattering. I12 is particularly well suited to study large or dense objects and offers a unique sample and environment installation facility for weights up to 2000 kg.
More informationEnergy: 53 – 150 keV
I13-1 X-ray Coherence
I13-1 is a hard X-ray beamline, operating in the 6-20keV range. The beamline specialises in high-speed, multiscale and multimodal coherent diffraction imaging and ptychography in both transmission and Bragg geometries.
More informationI13-2 X-ray Imaging
The Diamond Manchester Imaging beamline performs real space imaging and tomography in the 8-30keV energy range. Absorption contrast and in-line phase contrast imaging are both available.
More informationePSIC
ePSIC provides scientists with state-of-the-art experimental equipment and expertise in the filed of physical sciences electron microscopy and characterisation. Currently ePSIC offers beam time on two fully operational microscopes: (E01) A probe-corrected JEM ARM200F with EELS and EDX capabilities in collaboration with Johnson Matthey, and (E02) a probe and image corrected JEM ARM300F in collaboration with University of Oxford.
More informationI14 Hard X-ray Nanoprobe
The Hard X-ray nanoprobe I14 beamline is a dedicated facility for nanoscale microscopy. The central theme of the beamline is the ability to obtain structural and chemically-specific information on a full range of materials (inorganic/organic) under both static and real (e.g. wet, heated, in-situ strain) conditions.
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