If unsure of any settings, please discuss with your local contact.
Note that these options are subject to change with updates to the beamline control software.
Data can be processed automatically: Should be ticked.
Only do 'light' data processing: Depreceated, should not be ticked.
Take PNG images of samples: Should be left ticked.
Use Keyence Centring during sample load: Should be ticked.
HT: Manual Centring: Ticked when using manual centring mode
HT: X-Ray Centring: Ticked when using Xray centring
HT: Continious Processing (suppress popups/ warnings): May be advantageous to be ticked during queued screening or queued data collection
Use omega angle from centring as omega-start for dataset: uses omega from centring rather than that set before centring.
Raise Detector Plot view on data collection start: Can be unticked if this is not used during collection.
Bypass LN2 Checks on sample load: Should not be ticked
Pause queue if no beam: Should be ticked.
Read barcodes using the sample changer: Ticked for data collection
I am using multisample pins: Only used for special sample pins
I am using wet pins (12s thawing delay): Only to be used when samples were mounted in XChem lab with wet pins