Beamline phone numbers:
+44 (0) 1235 77 8617
+44 (0) 1235 77 8713
Principal Beamline Scientist:
Nick Terrill
Tel: +44 (0) 1235 778047
E-mail: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)1235 56 7675
Last updated: 19 April 2016
Equipment or Component |
Comments |
Camera length 1.9-9.9 m |
Can access wide q range by changing energy. Camera lengths in 0.25m steps possible |
Energy range 7 – 20 keV |
In air operation for all sample environments |
Large sample table (100 kg) GDA names (base_x, base_y) |
Travel of table is ± 100 mm in vertical and horizontal directions |
Precision XY translation stage (1 kg) GDA names (pxy_x, pxy_y) |
Travel of table is ± 50 mm in vertical and horizontal directions |
Rotation stage (10 kg) GDA name (rot) |
0 to 360° 0.2° increment |
Precision rotation stage (1 kg) GDA name (prot) |
0 to 360° 0.05° increment |
Detectors |
Pilatus P3-2M |
2D SAXS detector (Default) |
Pilatus P3-2M-DLS-L |
L shaped WAXS detector (Default) | |
Fast shutter |
In vacuum |
Microfocus end station |
GISAXS end station | ||
Inline microscope |
* Restrictions apply. Please contact beamline staff well in advance to discuss feasibility.
Last updated: 10 May 2018
Capillary sample changer (including temperature Control via water bath) |
Liquid cell holder |
Solid sample grid (large holes - 10mm dia) |
Solid sample grid (small holes - 5mm dia) |
Capillary holder |
Thermally controlled sample rack for DSC pans |
Heated capillary holder |
Lauda recirculating bath (-20 to 150°C dependant on heat transfer fluid) |
(-180 to 550°C) |
Linkam capillary stage (-180 to 550°C) |
Stopped Flow – 4 syringe. |
Please contact beamline team before submitting. Stand alone control by proprietary software |
Syringe pumps - 2 syringe Minimum speed is 1.5 pl/min, or 0.025pl/s, using a 0.5 µl syringe. The travel rates are within 0.18µm/min - 190.8mm/min |
Anton Paar Rheometer Physica MCR 501 rheometer. The Rheometer has several geometries availible including Cone and Plate (50mm and 25mm diameter) edge measurement only, and Couette Cell (49mm diameter with 9.5mL sample volume), centre and edge measurement. Mini Couette Cell 1mL |
Please contact beamline team before submitting Stand alone control by proprietary Rheocompass software |
Cryojet (-180 to 210°C) |
P-Jump Cell (0 to 120°C, 1 to 5000 bar) |
Please contact beamline team before submitting |
Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC) The Boehler-Almax Plate DAC is equipped with two pairs of diamonds (300um and 800um culet size). The achievable pressure depends on choice of the diamond anvil size. Anvils with 800um diameter are used to achieve pressures about 0.1-10GPa, as 300um anvils are capable of compressing up to 70-80GPa. The guide for using the PlateDAC and sample loading are available on request. |
Please contact beamline team before submitting |
In-vacuum flow cell. This vacuum chamber extends the WAXS nose conde, allowing samples in flow from e.g. peristalic pump, syringe pump or user-supplied fluid systems to be examined without background from the WAXS entrance window. |
Please contact beamline team before submitting |
I22 shares the newly refurbished SCM Biology, Chemistry and Instrumentation Labs. Please check when submitting lab form which one you need.
Equipment in other support labs is available for users. Please consult the offline laboratories pages.
For any further information, please contact a member of the beamline staff.
Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
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Diamond Light Source Ltd
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Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
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