Metal-on-metal hip replacement is a treatment for “wear and tear” arthritis (osteoarthritis) – one of the commonest diseases in the world. These ...
Battlefield use of depleted uranium (DU) weapons has generated considerable controversy because of the potential long-term effects on the ...
Framework structures are molecular cages which are capable of selectively trapping atoms, ions and molecules within the cage. Materials that adopt ...
Peptoids are analogues of α-peptides where the backbone is achiral due to the proteinogenic side chains being relocated from the α-C to the amide ...
The two prototypical members of the Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) family, FGF-1 and-2, have fundamentally distinct binding requirements and the ...
Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are molecular structures, constructed from metal cations linked by organic molecules. They have recently shown ...
Cancer comes in many forms, but it is characterised by cells rapidly dividing out of control. Chemotherapy refers to a group of drugs which use a ...
Extending our knowledge of how magnetic materials behave on an atomic scale has led to considerable technological advances, particularly in the ...
Researchers into from Imperial College London and Harvard University have used Diamond to solve a 20-year-old puzzle about how HIV establishes ...
MX beamlines are extremely powerful instruments for solving the structure of proteins. There are nearly 100 operational Macromolecular ...
Breaks in DNA cause a cascade of intercellular responses including the activation of the Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 (MRN) complex. This complex attaches ...
A critical step involved in regulating the cytoskeleton and cell signalling is the activation of Rho guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases), ...
Porous materials are important in a wide range of applications including catalysis and storage of gases such as carbon dioxide, a major ...
Orthovanadates have recently emerged as promising optical materials for birefringent solid-state laser applications. They can be also used in a ...
Rotaxanes are tiny molecular structures where a central straight molecule passes through a macrocycle, making a molecular machine in the shape of ...
How can a disease that affects one species such as birds transfer to another such as humans? In the case of influenza, the answer could lie in a ...
EphA4 is a protein which is attached to the surfaces of many types of human cells and plays a role in a wide range of biological processes. EphA4 ...
Understanding how viruses such as HIV function is vital in the search for more effective antiviral medicines, as well as opening up novel ...
Since the Stone Age humans have been adept at selecting materials for specific tasks based on the material’s properties. With the discovery of ...
The self-assembly of peptides into fibrils is commonly observed. Such fibrils may have biological roles and may also be useful in nanotechnology ...