Submitting Investigators: UAS
Proposal level
Investigators can be added at the proposal level if they need to manage the proposal, including submitting samples to UAS which is a necessary prerequisite for preparing those samples for shipping.
Investigators are advised that:
- The Principal Investigator (PI) has overall responsibility for all aspects of a proposal and is the main contact with Diamond regarding all issues with a proposal. A PI can edit and submit proposals.
- The Alternate Contact (AC) is a named member on the proposal who has been nominated by the PI to receive all information from Diamond concerning the proposal. The AC can respond in place of the PI and must be an experienced user. An AC can edit and submit the proposal.
- Co-Investigator (CI) is named on a proposal by the PI or AC. A CI can edit but not submit the proposal.
- All those investigators named on the proposal will have access to all scientific data and other information about all experimental sessions within this proposal.
Note that diamond staff have limited ability to change staff on proposals, and the prinicipal investigator or alternate contacts on that proposal should action changes to investigators. Issues can be raised with [email protected]
Submitting Investigators
To submit investigators at the proposal level:
- Sign into UAS, and navigate to the proposal
- Select the relevant proposal
- Add investigators
- Change role of invesitigator if necessary
Inviting new investigators
Note that new investigators can be invited to register:
- From the add investigator window: Search for Name, if not found, then invite new investigator: