Adding Samples: UAS
Sample Definition in UAS
For macromolecualr crystallography, the samples defined in UAS are the proteins or DNA that are crystallised. Each sample definition can represent many different single crystals, or crystal trays which will be processed.
Samples registered in UAS must match those in ISPyB; see Registering a Protein in ISPyB for further details.
Unattended Data Collection
It is critical when running in automated mode that you provide the metadata for your samples that will allow the correct decisions to be made with your crystals. Only CL1 (green) samples can be submitted for automated collection. For full details on what should be provided see unattended data collection and Preparing for UDC.
Samples Tab
Creating a new sample
To create a new sample:
Which brings up a sample window:
The yellow boxes need to be filled in to complete the sample.
The acyronym field must be filled, and must match the protein name later used in ISPyB.
Each sample hazard type:
- Biological material
- Chemical/substance/material
- Radiological material
- Non-Hazardous Material
Biological materials should specify:
- Function of sample
- Immediate source organism
- Sample type
- Sample holder
- Details on any Human Cells within the sample
- Details on any genetically modified organism in the sample
- Is the sample in schedule 5: Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 (ATCSA) Schedule 5 details pathogens and toxins governed by ATCSA.
The sample holder and sample type can include multiple optiosn. Use CTRL key to select multiple different preparations of the sample. If there are differences in the source organism, or hazard classes between each sample prepartion, these should be submitted as seperate samples.
Furthermore the biological risk details for each sample should be specified:
- Hazard group (1,2 or 3: as defined here)
- Specific Hazards such as carciogencity
- Contianment Level (1,2,3)
- Additional safety measures to be in place
A comment box is provided for Diamond Health and Safety to communicate any specific risk assessments or extra measures that should be associated with that sample.
Copying Samples from another proposal
βIt is possible to add samples from your existing proposals to a new propsoal, or an updated proposal.
Brings up a window to select from an alternate proposal:
Copying sample within a proposal
βA sample can be copied, i.e. adding a protein from a different source organism, within a proposal. Copied samples need to be verified by the Diamond health and safety team.
To copy a sample, select copy sample from samples tab:
Which brings up the sample in an editable interface:
This can be edited as a new sample would be.