Remote Data Processing
After your visit you can use our cluster to process your data. Please connect to Diamond using the instructions provided here.
Please remember to do all your work in the processing directory of your most recent visit:
This directory will be available for 40 days after your visit ends. Alternatively you can work in:
N.B.: you will need to make the directory $fedid inside /dls/tmp. Work in /dls/tmp will be deleted after 30 days.
If needed you can create the DLS_Launchers folder with the terminal command:
>ln -s /dls_sw/ixx/software/DLS_Launchers ~/Desktop/Launchers
For jobs using xia2 or Dials which are computationally expensive, load the software module as you would normally do, then precede the command line input with to direct the job to run on the cluster. For example:
>module load xia2
> xia2 pipeline=dials -path/to/images
For all other jobs, run them directly on the NX node you logged in to by loading the software module and running the software as normal. For example:
>module load ccp4