Loan Pucks
What is available?
- Four sets of 7 unipucks with shelved shipping canister
- Loading tools: bent cryo tong, puck pusher, puck separator and puck holder tools
- 1 Dry shipper
We can send either:
- The pucks/tools for you to ship in your own dry shipper and have your crystals returned after the experiment. We request on return of your crystals you return the pucks/tools immediately to DLS, or
- The pucks/tools in our pre-cooled shipper for loading yours pins into. We can then either return your pins (at room temperature) or crystals (in shipping dewar) after the experiment. If we return in the dewar we request return immediately on receipt.
How to request it?
Send your request to [email protected] with the details of what you need and the beamline and date of your experiment and if you want your crystals returned after the experiment.
Please request the pucks at least one week before your beamtime.
- The tools are primarily aimed at groups who are new or infrequent users of Diamond. Priority will be given to these groups. Other loans are on a first come first served basis.
- Pucks and tools are provided only for use at Diamond Light Source.
- Pucks and tools should be returned promptly to Diamond. Failure to return promptly may affect future requests.