Care of Unipucks
In order for successful beamtime at Diamond it is important that you take care of and maintain the uni-pucks you will be using. A visual inspection of the pucks before use can save time and trouble at the beamline.
Sample Enclosure
- Always ensure this is warmed up, dried and clean between uses.
- Always check the enclosure and remove any metal debris (e.g. broken pins)
- Pins are held in place by NdFeB ring magnets secured with polycarbonate washers.
- Replacements can be obtained from Crystal Positioning Systems: Ring magnets: CP111-006-020, Washers: CP111-007-020.
- The top of the sample enclosure is fixed with four Philips head screws which should be firmly secured.
Puck Base
- Always ensure this is warmed up, dried and clean between uses.
- Always check the base and remove any metal debris (e.g. broken pins)
- The base spindle is held in place by a philips head screw which should be firmly secured so that the spindle cannot twist.
- The base is secured to the enclosure by clips held in place with flat head screws. The screws should be secure and the clips bent so that they grip the sample enclosure snugly.
- Replacements are available from Crystal Positioning Systems (CP111-043)
All other fittings can be purchased from McMaster Carr with parts specified in the technical drawings which can be found here.