Andrew Quigley
E-mail: [email protected]
MPL equiries:
E-mail: [email protected]
The MPL is funded by grant 223727/Z/21/Z from the Wellcome Trust. However, several vital equipment has also been purchased with the help of other BBSRC, MRC, Diamond and Imperial College grants awarded for specific projects.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0) 1235 778926
The MPL has access to both high-throughput robotics for membrane protein crystallisation as well as a variety of different grid preperation devices for preparing membrane protein samples for single particle analysis via cryo-EM.
The MPL forms part of the Harwell Structural Biology Crystallisation Facility and is housed within the Research Complex at Harwell, adjacent to Diamond Light Source. Our well-equipped platform enables visiting scientists to prepare crystallisation plates using common commercial course screens as well as create their own custom screens using the Scorpion liquid handler. Mosquito (SPT Labtech) and Gryphon (Art Robbins) robotics enable preparation of sitting drop and LCP crystallisation plates. Our imaging systems at 4°C and 20°C have cross-polarisers and UV imaging options and can be accessed remotely. For LCP crystallisation, our LCP-FRAP (Formulatrix) instrument provides the useful ability to pre-screen for likely conditions that may lead to membrane protein crystals.
Establishing ideal conditions for freezing membrane protein samples can be time consuming. The MPL can support visiting scientists to establish membrane protein cryo-EM based projects. With access to the RCaH Glacios with Falcon 4 detector and JOEL JEM-2100 TEMs we have established a screening pipeline that enables sample characterisation to support direct eBIC access through the eBIC user access programme.
These microscopes are supported by two vitrobots and a Leica GP2 for grid preparation. We also support membrane protein applications to the SPT Chameleon user program at eBIC. A gradient maker is also avalible which is useful for the GraFix and GraDeR approaches to preparing samples for cryo-EM.
Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
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