Andrew Quigley
E-mail: [email protected]
MPL equiries:
E-mail: [email protected]
The MPL is funded by grant 223727/Z/21/Z from the Wellcome Trust. However, several vital equipment has also been purchased with the help of other BBSRC, MRC, Diamond and Imperial College grants awarded for specific projects.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0) 1235 778926
The MPL is a user facility open to applications from any research group interested in learning more about methods associated with membrane protein strucutral biology. The laboratory operates in a similar way to a synchrotron beamline, with users visiting for periods of a few days up to several months, depending on the project. Users can also make repeat visits to the MPL.
Applications are reviewed by the MPL managment committee.
How to apply:
There are two routes through which to make an application. Either way we recommend that you contact Dr Andrew Quigley in advance to discuss your proposed projects requirments.
The MPL is not currently able to cover the cost of users travel and accommodation or full consumables costs therefore we may ask for a contribution towards expensive consumables.
Direct to the MPL
Direct access to the MPL can be made using Diamonds User Administration System. Click to create a new proposal, select the rapid access route and the Membrane Protein Lab as the instrument. Proposals should be no more than two pages, additional details about the project can be given under the instrument questions. Please provide as much background and preliminary data as possible to help us develop the best strategy for your project.
Through Instruct-ERIC
Please follow the link below to the instruct-ERIC website. You will find the MPL under the sample preparation service where we offer suport for protein production and crystallisation. Applciations can be made by clicking on the red "request access" button.
Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
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