Paige Taylor


Paige Taylor is a PhD student at the I04 and B21 beamlines, jointly supervised by Dr David Aragão and Dr Nathan Cowieson at Diamond Light Source. Paige is currently on her first 2 years, more lab-based portion of her studies, at Charles Sturt University (CSU), Australia, under the supervision of Dr Brian McSharry and her primary supervisor Professor Jade Forwood.

Email: [email protected]

Research areas

Structural biology

Nuclear Import

Brief Biography

Paige began work as a casual Laboratory assistant in the Forwood lab in 2021 prior to completion of a Bachelor of Science at CSU in 2022. This experience helped her uncover her passion for structural biology that led her to pursue research.

During her Honours degree (CSU, 2023) she investigated nuclear localisation of a multifunctional gene regulator and resolved the structure of this protein with host transport proteins. She was awarded first-class honours for her dissertation.

In September 2024, she was awarded a jointly funded PhD scholarship between CSU and Diamond Light Source. Paige will move to the UK in 2026 to complete the second half of her PhD at the Diamond synchrotron.

PhD work

Her PhD work is investigating the structure, binding interface, and potential inhibition of viral to host protein interactions involved in nucleocytoplasmic shuttling critical for viral replication.

She is incorporating a wide range of structural biology techniques including X-ray crystallography and Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) and cryoelectron microscopy, alongside biochemical and biophysical methods for assessment of these protein-protein interactions.

Diamond Light Source

Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.

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