Beamline Parameters
The beamline parameters relevant to your experiment are shown via a panel on the left hand side of each experiment type.
For a data collection:
- Sample Name: Clicking the hyperlinked text will take you to the sample view.
- Flux: The flux in photons per second.
- Ω Start: The starting omega angle for the data collection.
- Ω Osc: The number of degrees oscialltion taken during an image.
- Ω Overlap: Ω delta - Ω Osc: Used when taking screening images, seperated by a Ω delta.
- No. Images: The number of images collected.
- Resolution: The obtainable resolution given the placement of the detector. This is the resolution at the centre edge of the detector. Obtainable complete resolution can be higher than this depending on total rotation range collected.
- Wavelength: The wavelength at which data was collected.
- Exposure: The exposure time per image/frame that was used.
- Transmission: The relative transmission used on beamline, compared to the maximum on the beamline.
- Beamsize: The requested beamsize [microns], horizontal by vertical.
- Type: An inferred or supplied experiment type, this often does not represent the experiment undertaken and is being reviewed.
- Comment: Contians other information relevant to the sample or data collection. This can change based on the beamline and what data is being collected. If unsure please contact your local contact.
- _FLAG_ represents a favourited data collection.
- Xray centring failures are logged here.