Principal Beamline Scientist:
Frank von Delft
Tel: +44 (0) 1235 778997
E-mail: [email protected]
Senior Beamline Scientist:
Daren Fearon
Tel: +44 (0) 1235 778936
E-mail: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0) 1235 778926
Please acknowledge fundings and resources used as follows:
The XChem facility:
"The authors would like to acknowledge the Diamond Light Source for access to the fragment screening facility XChem, for usage of DSi-Poised library and for beamtime on beamline I04‐1 under proposal LB#####."
For iNEXT-Discovery users:
This work has been supported by iNEXT, grant number PID####, funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union.
For libraries used (except DSi-Poised):
Please use the acknowledgement text which is in each library's page here.
Accelerating Drug Discovery With High-Throughput Crystallographic Fragment Screening and Structural Enablement:
Fearon, D., et al., Accelerating Drug Discovery With High-Throughput Crystallographic Fragment Screening and Structural Enablement., Applied Research (2024),
The XChem pipeline overview
Douangamath, A., et al. Achieving Efficient Fragment Screening at XChem Facility at Diamond Light Source. JoVE journal (2021).
TexRank Crystal Targeting:
Ng, J. T., et al. Using textons to rank crystallisation droplets by the likely presence of crystals. Acta Cryst D, 70, 2701-2718 (2014).
ECHO Fragment Dispensing:
Collins, P. M., et al. Gentle, fast and effective crystal soaking by acoustic dispensing. Acta Cryst D, 73, 246-255 (2017).
Fragment Libraries:
Cox, O. B., et al. A poised fragment library enables rapid synthetic expansion yielding the first reported inhibitors of PHIP(2), an atypical bromodomain. Chem Sci., 7, 2322-2330 (2016).
Shifter Crystal Harvesting:
Wright, N. D., et al. The Low-Cost, Semi-automated Shifter Microscope Stage Transforms Speed and Robustness of Manual Protein Crystal Harvesting. Acta Cryst D, 77, 62-74 (2021).
XChem Explorer:
Krojer, T., et al. The XChem Explorer graphical workflow tool for routine or large-scale protein-ligand structure determination. Acta Cryst D, 73, 267-278 (2017).
Pearce, N., et al. Partial-occupancy binders identified by the Pan-Dataset Density Analysis method offer new chemical opportunities and reveal cryptic binding sites. Structural Dynamics, 4, 032104 (2017).
Pearce, N., et al. A multi-crystal method for extracting obscured crystallographic states from conventionally uninterpretable electron density. Nat. Commun., 8, 15123 (2017).
Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
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