Please read the HC1 pages if you are interested in finding out about HC1 experiments.
The HC1 perspective in GDA provides all the tools needed for your HC1 work This section will work through how to use the beamline software for these experiments.
The determine the relative humidity of your mother liquor you need to prepare a large loop of mother liquor and mount it on the goniometer. Align the loop on the cross hairs with the loop perpendicular to the beam.
The simplest way to change humidity with the HC1 is to selct the humidity required an ask the HC1 to generate that value. If required a gradient can be applied to that move to ensure a steady change between the two values.
A dehydration routine can be built up in the HC1 software.
You can exchange the cryojet and HC1 automatically from the Tools page of GDA and the exchange time is about 3 seconds. When you arrive the beamline will be set up for HC1 work, but you can swap freely during your beamtime.
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