The accumulation of plastic waste in the environment is an ecological disaster and will require multiple solutions to tackle the problem.
The Magnetic Materials Group (MMG) operates several polarised X-ray beamlines to develop new and novel quantum materials.
Chloroplasts are specialised organelles found in plant cells and some algae. Photosynthesis, the process by which light energy is converted into ...
Batteries are a critical technology for the transition to a sustainable energy economy. Rechargeable lithium ion (Li ion) batteries power
Scientific Software, Controls and Computation (SSCC) department manages all software, computing and control systems to facilitate and support the ...
An update of the spectroscopy group published in the 2023-2024 Diamond Light Source Anual review.
An update on the Machine Operation and development from the 2023/2024 Annual Review
Photoemission spectroscopy shows that a protective layer keeps the electronic structure intact
A successful scientific, technical and apprentice partnership delivers results
New insights into the behaviour of aerosols from cooking emissions and sea spray reveal that particles may take up more water than previously ...
Cancer Research Horizons, the innovation arm of Cancer Research UK, is partnering with Diamond Light Source, to build a world-leading ...
Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz Appointed as Chair
The new international collaboration will develop novel scientific capabilities
New research, using Diamond's B23 beamline focuses on developing a new technology for writing and reading covert information on authentication labels
Studies on I04 show tuberculosis bacteria halt their growth with self-toxins that could inspire novel therapeutics
Launch of the Annual Review, covering the scientific, technical, computing and business updates from the facility.
How advanced X-ray techniques reveal the mechanical factors that shape dendrite growth
Malcolm Skingle, a pivotal figure in Diamond’s Industrial Science Committee, is set to retire from his role as Chair. In this article, he shares ...
High resolution synchrotron IR studies improve our insight on how a chemotherapy drug works
An update from the 2023-24 Annual Review on Diamond's Impact, Communications and Engagement activities