Gwyndaf Evans is Principal Beamline Scientist for VMXm and a Diamond Research Fellow.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0) 1235 778164
Gwyndaf Evans is Principal Beamline Scientist for VMXm and a Diamond Research Fellow.
Email: [email protected]
My research group at Diamond is focused on three areas of development:
I lead the DIALS project for the development of new integration software to capitailise on new detector technology and push the boundaries in terms of the quality of diffraction data that can be integrated and the quality of samples that can be addressed. We are funded by Diamond, the EU BioStruct-X grant and CCP4. We collaborate with Andrew Leslie, Phil Evans and Garib Murshudov from the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, with Gleb Bourenkov from EMBL in Hamburg and with the group of Nick Sauter at the Berkley Laboratory, USA. DIALS is currently available as a pre-release test or development version from dials.diamond.ac.uk.
DIALS group at Diamond
The development of software for the determination of optimal data subsets from partial multicrystal data sets (BLEND). BLEND sits between the data integration and scaling stages and allows users to conveniently collate large numbers of data sets and, based on cell dimension cluster analysis, group these data sets into likely isomorphous groups in preparation for scaling. BLEND will then use Pointless and Aimless (from CCP4) to automatically scale each group and output a plot of Rmeas vs. completeness for all scaled groups.
X-Ray Tomography and Radiography
The development of X-ray microtomographic techniques for MX which can be used to align and characterise crystals embedded in otherwise opaque materials.
Dynamic X-ray microapertures
Development of microapertures for the precise definition of microbeams on MX beamlines.
Our key collaborators in the DIALS project are Nick Sauter (from LBNL, Berkley, CA) and CCP4. We are also gretaly indebted for continued enthusiasm and expert input from collaborators at the MRC-LMB in Cambridge, Andrew Leslie, Harry Powell, Phil Evans and Garib Murshudov.
I have worked closely with CCP4 for many years and am currently a member of their Executive Committee. DIALS form part of a major collabroation with CCP4 and from late 2015 it will be released as part of the CCP4 program suite. CHOOCH and BLEND are alraedy distributed by CCP4. In December 2014 Diamond and CCP4 launched the jointly funded Diamond-CCP4 Data Collection and Analysis course and this course will now run yearly with an aim to continue best practice teaching in these core macromolecular crystallography skills.
Membrane Protein Laboratory (MPL) at Diamond
In 2007 the Diamond MPL was launched with funding from the Wellcome Trust. The project was led by Prof. So Iwata and Prof. Dame Louise Johnson, with Gwyndaf Evans making contributions to methods development and forming a valuable link with the I24 microfocus beamline at Diamond.
The MPL is operated principally as a user facility and since its launch has nurtured over 40 membrane protein projects from the UK and abroad. An introduction to the MPL can be seen here.
The lab is managed on a daily basis by Dr Isabel de Moraes who also sits in the MPL management committe with Prof So Iwata, Prof Dave Stuart and Dr Evans.
The MPL has recently received funding for a further 3 years from 2013, and we continue to welcome interest from researchers wanting to progress their membrane proteins through purification, crystallization and ultimately data collection at Diamond.
Staff and PDRAs
PhD Students
Past PhD Students
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