Sofia Jaho is a Beamline Scientist with the MX beamline I24. She joined Diamond in 2022 after obtained her PhD in Biophysics from the Université Grenoble Alpes (France).
Email: [email protected]Tel: 01235 77 8491
Sofia Jaho is a Beamline Scientist with the MX beamline I24. She joined Diamond in 2022 after obtained her PhD in Biophysics from the Université Grenoble Alpes (France).
Email: [email protected]My main research interests are methods and instrumentation development for macromolecular crystallography. I am a Chemical Engineer and started my research career with the study of crystallisation kinetics and the phase diagram of small molecules and proteins, the first important steps to growing well-diffracting crystals for structure determination using X-rays. I am particularly interested in developing methods and tools, exploiting technologies such as micro- and nanofluidics that can make the whole pipeline from crystal to 3D structure easier from the user’s perspective.
I joined Diamond Light Source and the I24 team in 2022 working on developing methods for serial crystallography at synchrotron (SSX) and XFEL (SFX) sources. I am working on optimising crystallisation and serial data collection strategies for experiments of oxygen and/or light sensitive samples. I’m also collaborating with researchers from Diamond and the University of Essex to investigate the ‘on-demand’ photo-induced initiation of reactions using photocages for time-resolved crystallography at synchrotrons and XFELs. My work also includes advances in complementary methods integrated on I24 to validate crystal structures, focusing on the use of online optical spectroscopy on protein crystals that have a spectroscopic signature
I work in collaboration with groups from the University of Essex and the University of Southampton as part of my current research, as well as, with scientists from other MX beamlines and the XFEL hub at Diamond.
A list of my publications can be found below.
S. Jaho, D. Axford, D-H. Gu, M.A. Hough, R.L. Owen
Meth. Enzymol. 2024,
S.L. Rose, F.M. Ferroni, S. Horrell, C. Dante Brondino, R.R. Eady, S. Jaho, M.A. Hough, R.L. Owen, S.V. Antonyuk, S.S. Hasnain
J. Mol. Biol. 2024, 436 (18), 168706,
M.W. McGeoch, R.L. Owen, S. Jaho, J.E.M. McGeoch
J. Chem. Phys. 2023, 158, 11490,
S. Jaho, Y. Sallaz-Damaz, M. Budayova-Spano
Cryst. Eng. Comm. 2023, 25, 5513-5523,
S. Jaho, N. Junius, F. Borel, Y. Sallaz-Damaz, J.-B. Salmon, M. Budayova-Spano
JoVE 2021, 170, e61660,
N. Junius, S. Jaho, Y. Sallaz-Damaz, F. Borel, J.-B. Salmon, M. Budayova-Spano
Lab on Chip 2020, 20 (2), 296–310,
A.G. Pantziaros, S. Jaho, I. Karga, I.C. Iakovides, P.G. Koutsoukos, C.A. Paraskeva
J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 2018, 93, 730–735,
S. Jaho, V. Sygouni, S.G. Rokidi, J. Parthenios, P.G. Koutsoukos, C.A. Paraskeva
Cryst. Growth Des. 2016, 16 (12), 6874–6884,
S. Jaho, G.D. Athanasakou, V. Sygouni, M.G. Lioliou, P.G. Koutsoukos, C.A. Paraskeva
Cryst. Growth Des. 2016, 16 (1), 359–370,
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