The expertise of the scientific team at Diamond presents an invaluable resource for scientists visiting the facility. From probing membrane proteins to modelling conditions in the early solar system, our scientists continue active research programmes across a wide range of applications.
Diamond offers a unique environment for its scientific users, in which interactions within and between disciplines are fostered. Here we highlight areas of shared interest between users and Diamond scientists, to initiate collaborations which take advantage of the unique opportunities provided here.
To support the extensive research programme at Diamond, the beamlines and integrated facilities are organised into eight groups, fostering relations between user communities with shared research interests and requirements. These communities encourage collaboration and knowledge exchange through shared facilities, seminar programmes and other activities.
These eight groups are:
Macromolecular Crystallography (MX)
Soft Condensed Matter
Imaging and Microscopy
Biological Cryo-Imaging
Magnetic Materials
Structures and Surfaces
Use the categories on the left to search for experts. The search will return experts with any of the disciplines selected.
Ralf Flaig is Principal Beamline Scientist on the MX beamline I04 and also an academic visitor of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Oxford. Before joining Diamond in 2004 he was a...
Email: [email protected]Director of the electron Bio-Imaging Centre (eBIC)
Email: [email protected]Martin Walsh is Deputy Director of Life Sciences at Diamond. Martin is also a Research Group Leader at the Research Complex at Harwell (RCaH). He joined Diamond in January 2009 from the MRC, France...
Email: [email protected]Halina Mikolajek is a Senior Support Scientist working for VMXi and the Crystallisation Facility Manager within the Research Complex at Harwell. Before joining Diamond in 2017, she was a Postdoc at...
Email: [email protected]Danny Axford is a Beamline Scientist with the MX beamline I24. He joined Diamond in 2008 from University College London, a constituent of the London Centre for Nanotechnology. He received his DPhil...
Email: [email protected]Principal Electron Microscopist for the electron Bio-Imaging Centre (eBIC)
Email: [email protected]Pierre Aller is a senior beamline scientist with the UK XFEL-Hub. After a Ph.D. on Molecular Dynamic Simulation, Pierre moved to the University of Vermont (Burlington, USA) for a post-doc. He ...
Email: [email protected]Anastasya is a Beamline Scientist with the XFEL-Hub. She joined the team in December 2021 moving from I24 beamline. She obtained her doctoral degree in 2017 at the University Grenoble Alp...
Email: [email protected]Principal Electron Microscopist for the electron Bio-Imaging Centre (eBIC)
Yuriy joined eBIC in March 2017 from the Imperial College London.
Email: [email protected]Halina Mikolajek is a Research Scientist working for VMXi and the Crystallisation Facility Manager within the Research Complex at Harwell. Before joining Diamond in 2017, she was a Postdoc at the U...
Email: [email protected]Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
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Diamond Light Source Ltd
Diamond House
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
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