Photoelectron Diffraction (PhD) is where an electron is emitted due to the presence of a photon beam. There is interference due to the path length differences (phase differences) of the electrons - as the photon enegy changes, the wavelnegth changes resulting in the emitted electrons going in and out of phase. The probe of PhD is the emitted electron which is inherently local while it is detecting globally, as a result only information on the nearest neghbours can be obtained. This technique gives information on the geometric structures icnluding the distance between the nearest neighbours. It determines the locality of what you are looking at with respect to the region, i.e. the nearest neighbours. PhD and XSW give the same information but from different standpoints.
I09 is designed to provide both soft and hard X-rays for high-resolution studies of atomic and electronic structures of surfaces and interfaces using photoelectron spectroscopy, near edge X-ray absorption fine structure, X-ray standing waves and photoelectron diffraction.
More informationDiamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
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