CCP-SAS - 2nd Open Meeting & Joint Project Meeting

Oct 06. till Oct 07.

CCP-SAS - 2nd Open Meeting & Joint Project Meeting

The software to be developed by this transatlantic partnership will be of benefit to all SAXS users at Diamond and especially on beamlines I22/B21.

06/10/20142014-10-06 - 07/10/20142014-10-07
Diamond Light Source, Oxfordshire, UK

Event Overview

This Workshop will follow on from that held at NIST Gaithersburg, USA in February 2014. Whereas that Workshop was concerned with the wider context of CCP-SAS, the opportunities and challenges for it to contribute to bio-oriented soft matter science, and the foundations on which the Project would be built, this Second Workshop will be concerned with what has been developed to date, and how the capability of CCP-SAS can be extended to more mainstream soft matter science such as the simulation of micelles/vesicles/synthetic polymers. There will also be presentations on the wider, but related, CCP portfolio and UK supercomputing infrastructure.

NOTE: As the Workshop will be held at the Science & Technology Facility Council's Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, home to the Diamond Light Source, registration is mandatory in order to gain access. Registration is free but will be on a first-come, first-served basis until the maximum attendance is reached (~100 for Mon 6 Oct). Registration will close on the 8th of September.

The first day of the Workshop (Monday 6 October) is open to all interested members of the scientific community. Delegates are encouraged to consider presenting posters.

The current programme can be found on the Project website

There will also be a developers meeting on Wednesday 8 October which anyone interested in contributing software and expertise to the Project is welcome to attend. If this interests you, please contact Dr David Wright, as soon as possible. Tuesday 7 October will be devoted to organizing the activities of the Project and is restricted to Project members and others specifically invited to contribute.

Delegate Information


The meeting will take place at Diamond Light Source, Oxfordshire, UK. For details on how to find Diamond, please visit out location pages.


Most delegates will only attend the Workshop on Monday 6 October and so should not require accommodation. Where accommodation is required, delegates are responsible for arranging it and paying for it themselves. There is very limited hotel/motel accommodation within 8 miles (12 km) of the Campus. Please contact the Diamond Events Team if you require further details.

A limited number of rooms are available in the Ridgeway House hostel on the Harwell Oxford Campus for use by Project partners. To book these rooms it will be necessary to quote a code that will be distributed separately.


Registration is now closed.


Posters are welcomed, titles should be supplied during registration. The display boards are A0 portrait size.

Further Information

If you have any questions, please contact the Diamond Events Team on 01235 778431 or [email protected]

Diamond Light Source

Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.

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