Episode 24: Catalysis
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Episode 24: Catalysis
All about the exciting world of Catalysis. Learn about the environmental and engineering impact of catalysis studies taking place at Diamond.
Duration: 29 mins
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Episode 23: In situ
How and why do we do in situ experiments at Diamond including aero-engine parts and orthopaedic implants.
Duration: 27 mins
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Episode 22: 2012 highlights
Coming from the 10th anniversary science symposium at the Royal Society, London, this issue features the Minister for Science remarking on Diamond's extraordinary combination of both the most pure scientific discovery but also practical applications. Such as investigating the dangers of a toxic mud spill, designing methods for storing hydrogen fuel in the future, and engineering new tissues to avoid premature labour. All of which feature in this episode.
Duration: 25 mins
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Episode 21: Fiction inspired by science
Bringing out the creativity in science; real research has inspired budding authors to write fictional stories about Diamond and its science. In this issue you can hear short story extracts, as well as the latest from Diamond in Alzheimer's, plant pathogens, and a new method for carbon capture.
Duration: 32 mins 10 Secs
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Episode 20: Infrared
Although most researchers come to Diamond to take advantage of its extremely intense X-rays, sometimes it's the lower energy band of the electromagnetic spectrum that is required. Diamond's infrared beamline, B22, can be used in a wide variety of scientific areas. In this issue we hear about its application in the life sciences and heritage science.
Duration: 33 mins 25 Secs
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Episode 19: Materials highlights
The Diamond Annual Review highlights some of the world-class research undertaken at Diamond Light Source over the 2011/12 financial year. Following a foreword from Diamond's Chairman Lord Alec Broers, this edition of the podcast focuses on some of the materials science experiments within the report. Including studying LEDs, piezoelectrics for a less toxic future, and more efficient solar cells using DNA.
Duration: 38 mins 31 secs
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Episode 18: 10 years of Diamond
On 27th March 2002, Diamond Light Source was formed. Ten years on, hear from CEO Gerd Materlik, who looks back over the challenges and achievements over the last decade. And first users Dave Stuart and Paul Schofield, on how the Diamond synchrotron has made a difference to their research.
Duration: 32 mins 23 secs
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Episode 17: Careers
In this episode we get an insight into the cogs that make the machine work - technicians, managers, directors and scientists talk about their roles at Diamond and how they work together to make the synchrotron work.
Duration: 29 mins 24 secs
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Episode 16: Chemistry
It's the International Year of Chemistry and this month's podcast looks at how chemistry at Diamond underpinning a wide range of science. We find out about synthesising nanowires, pitting corrosion, solar cells and an unexpected source of mercury poisoning.
Duration: 34 mins 22 secs
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Episode 15: X-ray imaging
With a new imaging beamline, I13, nearly ready to go online we speak to Diamond users about how synchrotron imaging differs from hospital X-ray imaging, how the technique has already been applied at Diamond and what there is to look forward to in the future.
Duration: 33 mins 22 secs
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Episode 14: Inside Diamond
Behind the scenes at Diamond - Meera Senthilingam attends a facility open day and talks to CEO Gerd Materlik as well as staff and visitors about the event. We also hear from I24 user Simone Weyand who has been investigating how anti-histamines work.
Duration: 30 mins 33 secs
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Episode 13: The Power of Magnetism
Steve Collins explains some of the properties of magnetism and magnetic materials, Paolo Radaelli describes how a type of material called multi-ferroics could provide a new form of data processing and storage, and Stephen Lovesey talks about his research, just published in the journal Science.
Duration: 26 mins 46 secs
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Episode 12: A Review of 2010
Trevor Rayment describes developments at Diamond over the past 12 months, including information on the recent Phase III funding announcement, Charles Cockell describes how microbes eat minerals in rocks that potentially cause cliffs to collapse, and Neil Champness on a holy grail of chemistry, creating metal to xenon bonds.
Duration: 30 mins 26 secs
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Episode 11: Structural biology
What is structural biology? What can it enable us to see? Diamond's Gwyndaf Evans explains how synchrotron X-rays allow us to visualise proteins. Robin Carrell explains how it could help in treatment for pre-eclampsia, Jim Naismith on how the body can repair DNA and Yvonne Jones talks about research into how cells in the body communicate.
Duration: 31 mins 33 sec
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Episode 10: Environmental Science
The impact of synchrotrons on the environment - looking at using bacteria to make arsenic insoluble in contaminated groundwater, Liane Benning on how microbes make soil, learning about green rust from Sam Shaw, and David Lidzey describes a new kind of solar cell.
Duration: 33 mins 21 sec
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Listen to the Planet Earth podcast from Diamond
Episode 9: Royal Society Summer Exhibition
This month we have a special edition dedicated to the Royal Society Summer Exhibition at London's Southbank Centre. We’ll also be finding out about the science Diamond has been exhibiting there, including how bacteria in our stomachs could help design personalised diets as well as hydrogen cars, stressed out bacteria and science in extreme conditions.
Duration: 29 mins 21 sec
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Episode 8 - Medical Applications
Diamond is seeing more and more clinicians coming through its doors to carry out research on samples donated by patients. Dr Anna David, an obstetrician from University College London, explains how she is using Diamond to investigate premature births; Dr Josep Sulé-Suso, an oncologist based at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire, talks about how synchrotron infrared light is helping him to detect cancer in single cells; and Alister Hart, a hip and knee surgeon at the Charing Cross Hospital explains how Diamond's X-rays are helping him to find out why a new type of hip replacement is failing in some cases.
Duration: 32 mins 18 sec
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Episode 7 - Diamond and Industrial Users
Up to 10% of Diamond's users come not from universities but from industry. Diamond's physical science director Trevor Rayment explains what this means and what industrial users need, Chris Frampton explains why left-handedness of molecules is so important to the pharmaceutical industry and Peter Ash describes how the synchrotron research is used to improve catalysis.
Duration: 29 mins 27 sec
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Episode 6 - The Diamond Machine
How do you ensure that a 560m circumference machine is flat? How is a machine with tens of thousands of components controlled? And what is the technology behind the incredibly bright light that is the hallmark of third generation synchrotrons? We meet the scientists and engineers behind the machine.
Duration: 30 mins 55 sec
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Episode 5: Engineering Applications
Synchrotrons are usually used to examine very small samples, but the development of a new beamline opens the door for larger objects such as engineering components. We look at how Diamond will help engineer our future in areas as diverse as aeronautics to dentistry.
Duration: 33 mins 56 sec
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Episode 4 - Cultural Heritage
How can synchrotrons help conserve the Mary Rose warship, and what makes the pigment Cinnabar Red change colour? Meera Senthilingam looks at the role Diamond is playing in helping preserve our cultural heritage.
Duration: 27 min 50 sec
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Episode 3 - Nanoscience
How can a machine the size of Diamond be used to study things just a few atoms across? Nanoscientist Sarnjeet Dhesi describes what his beamline can do in the exciting field of spintronic, Dr Chris Marrows explains how nanowires could revolutionise hard disks, and Vicky Coker talks about how bacteria could provide a way for industry to become greener.
Duration: 30 min 0 sec
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Episode 2 - Life Science
In this episode Diamond's Life Science Coordinator Martin Walsh explains what Diamond is doing in the life sciences, Professor Stephen Curry describes his research into foot and mouth disease, and Dr Joanna Collingwood talks about how her beamtime at Diamond has furthered our knowledge of Parkinson's disease.
Duration: 26 min 35 sec
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Episode 1 - Introduction to Diamond
In this pilot episode Diamond's Physical Science Director explains a bit of the science behind Diamond, Dr John Bridges describes how Diamond has helped him determine the real chemical composition of a comet and Dr Mark Hodson explains how super metal munching earthworms may help improve contaminated soil, making the eco system healthier.
Duration: 19 min 43sec
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Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
Copyright © 2022 Diamond Light Source
Diamond Light Source Ltd
Diamond House
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
Diamond Light Source® and the Diamond logo are registered trademarks of Diamond Light Source Ltd
Registered in England and Wales at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom. Company number: 4375679. VAT number: 287 461 957. Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number: GB287461957003.