Beamline Phone Number:
+44 (0) 1235 778651
Principal Beamline Scientist:
Cephise Cacho
Tel: +44 (0) 1235 778290
E-mail: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)1235 778290
The HR branch of I05-ARPES has a wide range of applications that include:
Topological matter
Topological insulators, Dirac semimetals and investigation of the Weyl fermions.
Transition metal oxides
Quantitative analysis of electron interactions, Fermi surfaces, renormalisation, energy gaps;
High-Tc superconductors and Heavy Fermions
Superconducting gaps, related phase transitions, Ultra small bandwidth dispersions;
New materials
ARPES as soon as single crystals are grown, nano-ARPES from inclusions and samples that are difficult to cleave;
Surfaces & interfaces
Molecular adsorbates, ultrathin films, stepped surfaces, epitaxially grown nano-wires, topological insulators.
Transition metal dichalcogenides and other quasi-2D materials
Electronic and magnetic phase transitions, band structure determination, surface dosing studies
The nano-ARPES branch can be used to study some aspects of the above, and is additionally suitable for:
The nanoARPES option to have 4 or 5 electrical connections to sample provides opportunity for in-operando studies of micro-devices
Carbon-based materials
Graphene, molecular electronics, carbon nanotubes, BN nanostructure; bilayers and twisted bilayer graphene.
Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
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Diamond Light Source Ltd
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Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
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