Tina Geraki


Tina Geraki is a Beamline Scientist on I18.

Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0) 1235 778898
  • X-ray microprobe techniques in biomedical applications 
  • X-ray absorption spectroscopy

Current Research Interests

The role of metals is one of the many aspects investigated in a wide range of diseases and treatments. Synchrotron microprobes are powerful instruments in metal related research as they allow the spatial localisation of elements even at trace amounts therefore facilitating the investigation of changes in their levels or location as a product of disease or treatment. Further insights can be gained with x-ray absorption spectroscopy that can provide chemical information about the metal in question and its immediate environment. For examples of such work undertaken on I18 see "Collaborations".

Selected Recent Publications

  • Al-Ebraheem, A., Geraki, K., Leek, R., Harris, A. L., and Farquharson, M. 2013. The Use of Bio-Metal Concentrations Correlated with Clinical Prognostic Factors to Assess Human Breast Tissues. X-Ray spectrometry 42 330-336
  • A.L. Neal, K. Geraki, S. Borg, P. Quinn, J.F. Mosselmans, H. Brinch-Pedersen, P.R. Shewry 2013. Iron and Zinc complexation in wild-type and ferritin-expressing wheat grain: implications for mineral transport into developing grain. JBIC 18(5) 557:570
  • M. Ugarte, G.W. Grime, G. Lord, K. Geraki, J.F. Collingwood, M. E. Finnegan, H. Farnfield, M. Merchant, M. Bailey, N.I. Ward, P. Foster, P.N. Bishop and N.N. Osborne. 2012. Concentration of various trace elements in the rat retina and their distribution in different structures.  Metallomics 12(4) 1245:1254
  • M.J. Farquharson A. Al-Ebraheem K. Geraki. R. Leek and A. Harris. 2009. Zinc presence in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast and its correlation with oestrogen receptor status. Physics in Medicine and Biology 54 4213-4223


Tina Geraki is Beamline Scientist on I18, the Microfocus Spectroscopy beamline. She joined Diamond in 2008 after positions at City University London, SRS Daresbury Laboratory and a short spell in industry. Her principal scientific interest is in the application of x-ray microprobe and absorption spectroscopy techniques in biomedical problems.

Diamond Light Source

Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.

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