Magnetic Materials Group User Meeting 2024

Jun 04. till Jun 05.

Magnetic Materials Group User Meeting 2024

Magnetic Materials Group User Meeting 2024

04/06/20242024-06-04 - 05/06/20242024-06-05
Diamond Light Source
Register here:

The Magnetic Materials Group

The Diamond Light Source Magnetic Materials Group (MMG) includes a number of facilities which enable a wide range of polarised X-ray based research into novel materials and phenomena.

The MMG Group User Meeting 2024

The Magnetic Materials Group will be hosting its User Meeting at Diamond Light Source on Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th of June 2024.

The event aims to:

  • Explore new avenues for X-ray research in quantum and functional materials.
  • Provide a forum for attendees to propose directions for developing the facilities of the MMG and further enable the science goals of its research community.
  • Foster new scientific collaborations.
  • Offer a platform for early career scientists to showcase their research.

Theory of Soft X-ray Spectroscopy Workshop

As part of the MMG Users Meeting there will be the oppoortunity to attend also the Theory of Soft X-ray Spectroscopy Workshop, which will take place at Diamond Light Source on Monday 3rd June 2024.

The workshop, which is targeted primarily to early-career researchers, will include a series of lectures as well as hands-on sessions.

The workshop will be delivered by:

The topics covered during the workshop will be:

  • Interpretation of X-ray absorption (XAS)
  • X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (X-MCD)
  • X-ray photoemission (XPS)
  • Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) experiments


Monday 3rd June 2024
Theory of Soft X-ray Spectroscopy Workshop 
08:45 Arrival and registrations
09:00 Magnetic Materials Group activity overview - Sarnjeet Dhesi, Diamond Light Source, UK
09:30 Overview of the interpretation of XAS - Frank de Groot, Utrecht University, Netherlands
10:15 Coffee Break
10:45 Multiplet theory of metal 2p XAS and XPS spectra - Frank de Groot
12:30 Lunch Break
14:00 X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism and sum-rules - Mario Delgado, University of Guadalajara, Mexico
14:45 Overview of the interpretation of RIXS - Hebatalla Elnaggar, Sorbonne University, France
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Calculations of XAS, XMCD and RIXS (hands-on) - Hebatalla, Mario, Frank
Tuesday 4th June 2024
User Meeting
09:45 Arrival and registrations & posters set up
10:15 Welcome and overview of the Magnetic Materials Group – Sarnjeet Dhesi, Diamond Light Source, UK
Session 1 - Altermagnetism [Chair: Peter Wadley, University of Nottingham]
10:30 "Altermagnets and unconventional magnetism" - Tomas Jungwirth, FZU, Czech Republic
11:00 "Optical detection of antiferromagnetic Neel vector in altermagnets and beyond" - Alex Kimel, Radaboud Universiteit, Netherlands
11:30 Paul McLarty, MPI, Dresden, Germany
12:00 Discussion 
12:30 Lunch Break
13:15 Poster session
Session 2 - Spin textures [Chair: Steve Collins, Diamond Light Source]
14:00 "Imaging magnons and fluxons via quantum sensing based on nitrogen vacancy spins in diamond" - Samer Kurdi, Delft University, Netherlands              
14:20 "Chiral phonons probed by X-rays" - Hiroki Ueda, PSI, Switzerland
14:40 "Spontaneous reversal of spin chirality and competing phases in the topological magnet EuAl4" - Anuradha Vibhakar, Diamond Light Source, UK
15:00 "Exploring the Static and Dynamic Properties of Magnetic Skyrmions with X-Rays" - Thorsten Hesjedal, University of Oxford, UK
15:20 Discussion 
15:35 Coffee Break
Session 3 - Strongly correlated system [Chair: Kejin Zhou, Diamond Light Source]
16:00 "Mott resistive switching initiated by topological defects" - Claudio Giannetti, Università Cattolica, Italy                         
16:20 Hebatalla Elnaggar, Sorbonne University, France
16:40 "Tuning of strong correlations in d3 and d4 ruthenates" - Alexandra Gibbs, University of St. Andrews, UK                    
17:00 Discussion 
17:20 Poster session
18:30 Dinner 
Wednesday 5th June 2024
Session 4 - Functional materials [Chair: Andy Dent, Diamond Light Source]
09:00 "Charge storage on oxygen in battery cathode materials" - Robert House, University of Oxford, UK
09:20 "Teller Distortions in NaNiO2" - Sian Dutton, University of Cambridge, UK
09:40 Yvonne Grunder, University of Liverpool, UK
10:00 Discussion 
10:20 Coffee Break
Session 5 - Manipulating ordering phenomena [Chair: Sean Langridge, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source]
11:00 “Tuning the competition between charge order and superconductivity in IrTe2 with strain” - Cameron Dashwood, UCL, UK
11:20 “Control of altermagnetic domains in MnTe” - Oliver Amin, University of Nottingham, UK
11:40 “Controlling the spin structure of antiferromagnetic NiO using a ferromagnetic layer“ - Emily Heppell, University of Oxford, UK
12:00 Discussion 
12:30 Lunch Break
Session 6 - MMG facilities [Chair: Sarnjeet Dhesi, Diamond Light Source]
13:30 I21: Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS), Kejin Zhou
13:45 I06: Nanoscience, Larissa Ishibe Veiga
14:00 I16: Materials and Magnetism, Alessandro Bombardi
14:15 I10: Beamline for Advanced Dichroism Experiments (BLADE), Paul Steadman
14:30 I17: Coherent Soft X-ray Imaging and Diffraction (CSXID), Andrew Walters
14:45 Materials Characterisation Laboratory, Sahil Tippireddy
15:00 Discussion 
15:20 Poster prizes and closing remarks
15:30 Close of MMG User Meeting 2024

Invited Speakers

  • Tomas Jungwirth, FZU, Czech Republic                              
  • Alex Kimel, Radaboud Universiteit, Netherlands               
  • Paul McLarty, MPI, Dresden, Germany                                
  • Samer Kurdi, Delft University, Netherlands                 
  • Hiroki Ueda, PSI, Switzerland                                              
  • Anuradha Vibhakar, Diamond Light Source, UK                 
  • Thorsten Hesjedal, University of Oxford, UK                      
  • Claudio Giannetti, Università Cattolica, Italy                         
  • Hebatalla Elnaggar, Sorbonne University, France                
  • Alexandra Gibbs, University of St. Andrews, UK                    
  • Robert House, University of Oxford, UK                            
  • Sian Dutton, University of Cambridge, UK                          
  • Yvonne Grunder, University of Liverpool, UK                    
  • Cameron Dashwood, UCL, UK                                            
  • Oliver Amin, University of Nottingham, UK                      
  • Emily Heppell, University of Oxford, UK

Poster presentation

As part of the event you will have the opportunity to present a A0 poster showcasing your research conducted using the MMG facilities at Diamond.

A dedicated poster presentation session has been scheduled for Tuesday 4th June, however there will be the opportunity to discuss posters throughout the meeting.

Poster prizes will be awarded to the three best posters, by a panel chosen by the organising committee.



User Meeting - 4th & 5th June 2024

  • Access to this event is upon registration only.
  • Spaces are limited and available on a first come first served basis.
  • The registration to the event is free and includes access to a 2 day scientific programme, lunches, refreshments, a drinks reception and a conference dinner.
  • Registration is open until the end of Friday 24th May 2024.

Theory of Soft X-ray Spectroscopy Workshop - 3rd June 2024

  • Access to this workshop is upon registration only and is available only to those participating also to the main User Meeting.
  • Spaces for the workshop are very limited and available on a first come first served basis.
  • The registration fee to attend the workshop is £100 and includes access to a day of lectures and practical sessions, lunch and refreshments.
  • Registration is open until the end of Friday 24th May 2024 or until spaces are available.

Attendees are required to arrange and cover the cost of their own accommodation and transport to and from Diamond Light Source.


Organising Committee

  • Kevin Edmonds, University of Nottingham (Diamond User Committee)
  • Robin Perry, University College London (Diamond User Committee)
  • Olga Kazakova, National Physical Laboratory, (Diamond Industrial Strategy Committee)
  • Frank de Groot, University of Utrecht 
  • Massimo Ghidini, University of Parma 
  • Roger Johnson, University College London 
  • Sarnjeet Dhesi, Diamond Light Source 
  • Mirian Garcia-Fernandez, Diamond Light Source 
  • Kiranjot Kiranjot, Diamond Light Source
  • Dirk Backes, Diamond Light Source 
  • Dan Porter, Diamond Light Source 
  • Stefania Mazzorana, Diamond Light Source 

This event is kindly sponsored by

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Contact the organiser

If you have any queries relating to this workshop, please contact the Diamond Events Team who will be able to help.

Diamond Light Source

Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.

Copyright © 2022 Diamond Light Source


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