Fundamentals of PyMCa and MANTiS for XRF and XANES data interpretation workshop 2025

Mar 04. till Mar 06.

Fundamentals of PyMCa and MANTiS for XRF and XANES data interpretation workshop 2025

Join us for an in-person, hands on workshop, aiming to provide training to users of beamlines that perform elemental imaging analysis.

04/03/20252025-03-04 - 06/03/20252025-03-06
Diamond Light Source
Apply here


This is the first workshop jointly organised by beamlines I14 and I18, aiming to provide training for the analysis of elemental imaging XRF and XANES data from the nano- and micro- probes.

The majority of the three-day course will concentrate on PyMCa (developed by V.A. Solé at the ESRF) while a shorter session will give brief how-to introductions to MANTiS (developed by M. Lerotic at the APS) for XANES data interpretation. The course consists of a mixture of lectures covering basic principles and workshop sessions designed to teach participants the basics of data processing and analysis, for example fitting and quantification.

The workshop is primarily targeting users of I14 and I18 who have had recent data collections or are scheduled for beamtime and who have not used these software packages before. Users outside this immediate target audience might be selected if there are free places.


We will update this section with an agenda closer to the event date.

Tuesday 4th March 
09:30 Arrival and registration 
10:30 PyMca: Theory and Fundamentals I
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 PyMca: Theory and Fundamentals II
15:00 Break
15:15 PyMCA: Theory and Fundamentals III
17:00 Dinner at Ral Canteen
Wednesday 5th March
09:00 PyMca: Practical session I
10:30 Break
10:45 PyMca: Practical session II
12:15 Lunch break
13:15 PyMca: Bring your own data I 
15:00 Break
15:15 PyMca: Bring your own data II
17:00 Dinner in Atrium
Thursday 6th March
09:00 MANTiS: Theory and fundamentals
10:30 Break
10:45 MANTis: Examples and exercises 
12:15 Lunch Break
13:00 Athena: Quick guide on I18 and I14 datasets
16:45 Workshop end



There are limited spaces to attend this event, therefore access is subject to an application process. 

Applications for the workshop are now open and will be open until 17:00(GMT) on Wednesday 29th January 2025.

Apply Here

All applicants will be informed on the outcome of their application in the week commencing Monday 3rd February 2025

Attendance, accommodation and transport

If your application is successful, there will be a £100 registration fee to attend the event in person at Diamond Light Source.

As part of the registration fee, accommodation will be arranged and provided at a local hotel, Ridgeway House Hotel (two nights, check in Tuesday 4th March, check out Thursday 6th March).

In addition, all meals and refreshments will be provided throughout the event. 

Attendees will be required to arrange and cover the cost of their transport to and from Diamond Light Source. 

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

Diamond Light Source

Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.

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