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We published Diamond News from 2005-2016
Since the last issue of Diamond News, a certain level of uncertainty has gathered around British science and research with the decision to leave the European Union. As the UK moves to establish new forms of funding links with Europe, Diamond continues to build on its existing strategic funding partnerships to enhance the facility’s capabilities, develop industrial links, and remain as a world-leading centre for synchrotron science... Read more
With the release of Diamond’s 10-Year Vision in October last year, the impact of stakeholder consultation was clear to see in steering Diamond towards identifying its long-term goals and how to achieve them. Demonstrating impact is paramount, and in this issue we report on some of the recent milestones and achievements seen achieved through our science.
As we head towards the end of 2015 we can reflect on a very productive year so far. We’ve seen first light B24, first data for I23, and the installation of the B07 endstation on I09’s soft X-ray branch. We’ve passed milestones in data volumes, and published almost 3,600 papers since opening to users in 2007. Since our last issue a new government has been formed, and with the science spending review underway Andrew Harrison outlines the collaborative and adaptable approach to funding being taken to ensure Diamond reaches its full potential. Read more
It has been a busy start to the year and an exciting one as the light sources community is celebrating 2015 UNESCO’s International Year of Light. In this issue of Diamond News, you will get an update on the vision and strategy work led by CEO Andrew Harrison to keep Diamond competitive on the world synchrotron stage.
Our focus on science feeds from the growing number of science highlights where we draw on the exciting range of applications synchrotrons enable. A new capability has been added to the Powder Diffraction beamline, I11, where it is now possible to do long duration experiments. On the industry front, we are delighted to announce... Read more
As we move into autumn, and with it our first steps towards winter, the research coming out of Diamond continues apace. As reported in our spring edition, growth and new beginnings continue to be the watchwords for 2014, and will permeate into 2015 as we develop our plans for Diamond’s future in terms of research, collaborations, technology, and personnel. Hibernation is not on the cards.
With his feet now firmly under the table since his arrival in January, our CEO Professor Andrew Harrison is now well underway with consolidating plans for Diamond’s future development beyond the final stages of Phase III construction, and our interview with Andrew outlines... Read more
Celebrating Diamond’s 3000th publication in the database and the arrival of our 500th employee, plus science highlights covering oxide semiconductors, potential new drug treatment to tackle viruses, and new insights into Alzheimer’s disease. Andrew Harrison, our new CEO, shares his inspirations and aspirations, we update on the Phase III beamlines due to come online in the next 12 months, and more.
Diamond appoints new Chief Executive, Laser tweezers to lead to faster breakthroughs in biological research, Scientists unlock structure of elusive 'stress' protein, New foot-and-mouth vaccine signals huge advance in global disease control, and more.
Funding for MPL, Fighting diabetes, Materials for carbon capture, Lighting up DNA, Young Investigator Award, Open days success and more.
Celebrating 10 years of achievements, A decade of highs and lows, A tale of two beamlines, Creating crystals: out of this world, Solid state chemistry hots up on JEEP, Spin-orbit sum rule and more.
New chair for the DUC, Light Reading competition, protecting museum staff, gold in cancer treatment, membrane proteins, circular light and low-alpha mode.
Altruistic suicide in bacteria, marvellous MOFs, a new defence against fraud, collaborating with the facility, time-resolved science and our PhD students.
Structures of hypertension hormone revealed, spectroscopy clues to Cuban Nickel, phase II beamline updates, getting the storage ring ready for I13 and industry partnerships demonstrating economic impact.
Research complex opens for business, facilitating collaboration with universities, circular dichroism beamline celebrates first birthday with technical premiere and synthesising novel microporous materials.
The role of zinc in breast cancer, extreme pressures unlocking the secrets of xenon, the 100th protein structure from Diamond and understanding forbidden reflections.
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Collaboration opportunities at Diamond, Diamond at AAAS, an update on the beamlines, a focus on our nanoscience users and what a front end is and does.
In this issue:
Diamond welcomes new Science Directors, the new Research Complex takes shape at Harwell, first industrial users, an update on the machine and the latest science stories from Diamond users.
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Diamond opens for business, interviews with our first users, rounding up on Nanoscience, the insertion device team, the BA Festival of science, our artists in residence and a new beamline for circular dichroism.
Tony Blair visits Diamond, focus on infrared, a welcome from the User Office, all seven Phase I beamlines receive first light, behind the scenes with the Accelerator teams and key challenges for Diamond in 2007.
Diamond celebrates first beam in the storage ring, international collaborations, focus on magnets, Phase I beamlines on target, what Diamond will offer for medical sciences and user accommodation.
Countdown to operations, the work of the Survey and Alignment Team, engineering the synchrotron and industrialists visit the facility.
The storage ring takes shape, Diamond's detectors, the Diamond team grows to 200 and experiencing a PhD at Diamond.
For older editions of Diamond News please contact us.
Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
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Diamond Light Source Ltd
Diamond House
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
Diamond Light Source® and the Diamond logo are registered trademarks of Diamond Light Source Ltd
Registered in England and Wales at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom. Company number: 4375679. VAT number: 287 461 957. Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number: GB287461957003.