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0. Synchrotron > 1. Electron Gun > 2. The Linac > 3. Dipole Magnets > 4. Vacuum > 5. Undulator > 6. Beamlines
This animation shows a diffraction experiment. Watch the light as it travels through the optics – can you see it change colour and shape? The pattern produced at the end of the experiment is called a diffraction pattern, and is unique to the molecule in the crystal being studied. We use these patterns to work out the position of atoms in the original sample.
Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
Copyright © 2022 Diamond Light Source
Diamond Light Source Ltd
Diamond House
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
Diamond Light Source® and the Diamond logo are registered trademarks of Diamond Light Source Ltd
Registered in England and Wales at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom. Company number: 4375679. VAT number: 287 461 957. Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number: GB287461957003.