Find out more about our ambitious upgrade project, delivering more brightness, more coherence, and greater speed of analysis to UK science. More about Diamond-II
Find out more about Diamond's response to virus research.
As many of our users and collaborators will know, we are striving to further improve the world-changing science that Diamond enables through Diamond-II, a proposed programme of development that includes a brand new machine that will enable a transformative increase in brightness and coherence together with a major overhaul of new and rebuilt beamlines and further enhancements to others. The last two months have been a flurry of engagement activities for our staff and users.
Prof Laurent Chapon, Physical Sciences Director and Diamond-II Programme Director, said:
User engagement is vital for each flagship beamline project to build the strongest case possible and ensure key capabilities are captured within the final proposals. To date, we have delivered 12 user community webinars which have collectively attracted over 1,400 attendees across both physical and life science communities.
From this strong engagement, attendees were able to glean further insight into these flagship projects through User Working Group presentations and scientific case studies, as well as having the opportunity to feed into the proposals through interactive Q&A sessions with the speakers.
We have our final webinar taking place on Monday 16 November, you can find out how to join here.
This will be a unique opportunity to influence the construction of new, rebuilt and upgraded beamlines at Diamond. We are therefore urging both academic and industrial users and members of the global scientific community to express their interest by submitting statements of support for one or more of the proposals they believe will impact their research and community at large. These statements of support will be included in the final business case for each project.
If you would like to support one or more of the proposals, please complete the electronic form. You will need to submit a separate form for every project you are willing to support.
Following the production of the Diamond-II science case and conceptual design report, and the approved and the successfuland the successful CD-1 Critical Design Review organised by STFC earlier this year, we have been given the go ahead to enter the next stage of development aiming for a Technical Design Review by the end of 2021 with a potential funding approval in 2022. For more information, view the full list of flagship beamline projects proposed, along with links to download each outline science case.
In December, the Science Advisory Committee (SAC) and the Diamond Industrial Science Committee (DISCo) will advise us on the project priorities. The selected projects will then proceed to the conceptual and technical design review phases as a continued collaboration between the User Working Groups and Diamond staff, followed by the project delivery (first user dates 2027-2030). For more information on the beamline selection process of the Diamond-II Programme, watch a short presentation.
Keep your eyes peeled for a dedicated Diamond-II website launching very soon, where we hope to keep you updated on project updates and news.
Diamond Light Source is the UK's national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.
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OX11 0DE
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