Key Facts and Figures
Facility usage
In our ninth year of operations (April 2015 to end of March 2016), we received 1,444 proposals for experiments on beamlines and electron microscopes, which requested a total of 16,376 shifts. After peer-review, 1,026 proposals were awarded beamtime. This resulted in 9,091 experimental shifts being awarded, spread across 26 beamlines and two electron microscopes. We welcomed 5,472 user visits from academia and industry across all facilities (beamlines and electron microscopes), with an additional 3,772 remote users.
User shifts requested, awarded and delivered by village, beamline and electron microscope 2015/16
* B16 is an optical testing beamline with 50% of beamtime for users.
** M01 is the Polara electron microscope at Oxford Particle Imaging Centre. M02 is the Titan Krios I electron microscope at Diamond.
Total user shifts requested, awarded and delivered | Total numbers of proposals and users per year |
All figures from 2015/16 include Rapid Access.
Proposals by discipline and research theme
Experimental shifts scheduled by Diamond by main subject area for 2015/16
Cumulative number of items in Diamond Publications Database by our scientists and users and cumulative number of protein structures solved
Machine performance