Diamond Annual Review 2020/21

Contents 2-3
_Hlk23688164 30-31
_Hlk23688200 30-31
_Ref375143551 30-31
_Hlk63262725 20-21
_Hlk63268428 20-21
_Hlk61803989 90-91
_Hlk67942988 112-113
_Hlk62030873 106-107
_Ref375143551 60-61
_Hlk68183649 118-119
_Ref375143781 36-37
Foreword 4-5
CEO Welcome 6-7
Rising to the Challenge of COVID-19 8-9
Key Facts and Figures 12-13
Beamline Development and Technical Summary 14-15
Macromolecular Crystallography Group 16-17
Biological Cryo-Imaging Group 32-33
Structures and Surfaces 48-49
Magnetic Materials Group 58-59
Imaging and Microscopy Group 68-69
Crystallography Group 84-85
Spectroscopy Group 94-95
Soft Condensed Matter Group 104-105
Integrated Facilities and Collaborations 114-115
Machine Operation and Development 118-119
X-ray Technologies at Diamond 120-121
Optics and Metrology Group 120-121
Detector Group 124-125
Scientific Software, Controls and Computation 126-127
Industrial Liaison 130-131
Engaging with Diamond Light Source 132-133
Governance and Management 136-137
Staffing and Financial Information 136-137
Committee Membership 138-139