Wellcome Trust/MRC- Beginners Single Particle Cryo-EM course 2023
Wellcome Trust/MRC- Beginners Single Particle Cryo-EM course 2023
The Astbury Biostructure Lab (University of Leeds) is partnering with eBIC (Diamond light source) Scottish Centre for Macromolecular Imaging (University of Glasgow), Midlands Regional Cryo-EM Facility (University of Leicester) and Birkbeck college (University of London) to host training courses between 2021-2026 in cryo-EM. This training program would not be possible without these partners, and is funded by Wellcome and MRC (218785/Z/19/Z).
- Date
- 06/11/20232023-11-06 - 10/11/20232023-11-10
- Location
- The Astbury Biostructure Laboratory (University of Leeds)
- Link
- Register here